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Arabic Language Exploration Camp (ALEC)

Package name

Arabic Language Exploration Camp (ALEC)

Credit transfer?


Why is this interesting for me?

  1. Practical and unique teaching method

  2. Conducive learning environment

  3. Distinctive socio-cultural environment in Kelantan

  4. Productive learning in intercultural team



How long is the course?


Please state the duration for "OTHERS"

9 days

Language proficiency

Basic English


USD 1000

Price inclusive?

Accommodations, Food, OTHERS

Please state the price inclusive for "OTHERS"?

Local transfer

Learning objectives

  1. To master the basic level of Arabic language

  2. To converse in basic Arabic

  3. To build confidence in speaking Arabic.

What do I expect to learn?

  1. Basic knowledge in Arabic language

  2. Communication skills in Arabic

  3. Confidence in speaking Arabic

How do I experience learning?

Field Trips / Field Excursion, Group Activities, Visits and interacting with local community

How am I assessed?

Attendance, Report field observations, Group presentations practical

Is the certificate is awarded upon completion of the programme?


Call for action:

Dr. Yohan Kurniawan

Centre for Language Studies and Generic Development" Universiti Malaysia Kelantan Locked Bag 01, 16300 Bachok Kelantan, MALAYSIA.

Tel: +6097797126

Fax: +6097797122


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